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Linchpin Conversations

Oct 23, 2023

See you at the Rogue Invitational. | Linchpin + doing a sport. | Can you out-train a bad diet? | Do Games athletes eat candy bars? | Fitness was a new parent. | How to prep for a Military ruck event.

Oct 20, 2023

Share this with friends & family that need to hear a simple, straightforward discussion on what we do for fitness, how it works & why it makes sense. Telling people we do “constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity” usually causes confusion. This discussion should solve that problem.

Oct 16, 2023

Dr Andrew Huberman’s training ideas. | Revisiting goal times. | Fitness at 80 years old. | Improve your front rack. | When to do accessory work. | And much more…

Oct 13, 2023

You should modulate the intensity of your training days. High intensity every day is not optimal for most people. Low intensity days & moderate intensity days have tremendous value. Intentionally & deliberately training at low & moderate levels allows athletes to fully express high intensity when they choose to. We...

Oct 10, 2023

How many pull-ups = a rope climb? | Heavy day rep schemes. | Sleds & ski ergs. | Fitness trackers & heart rate. | Should someone 55+ workout less? | Rower vs Air Bike.